Donate to Mad River Trail Collective today!

  • PayPal makes it easy to donate to Mad River Trail Collective using your credit card or PayPal account. Whether you set up a monthly contribution or make a one-time payment, your donations help ensure the trails stay in top condition for everyone.

    Donate with PayPal

  • Venmo makes quick and secure donations to the Mad River Trail Collective easy from your mobile device. Your monetary donations help maintain the trails for today and future generations of trail users.

    Donate with Venmo

  • Mad River Trail Collective, 98 Taylor Drive, Campton, NH 03223

    Donate via US Mail

    Make check payable to:
    Mad River Trail Collective
    98 Taylor Drive, Campton, NH 03223

    While online giving is undoubtedly the most convenient option, Mad River Trail Collective is grateful for anyone who chooses to donate by check. Everything helps, and your contribution to MRTC will go a long way in helping to keep our trails safe and accessible for everyone to enjoy.

When you donate to Mad River Trail Collective, you're not just giving money to a club. You're contributing to the effectiveness of our trail stewardship mission. As a volunteer-driven 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, the MRTC relies on the support of people like you to help with our goal of maintaining and updating existing trails with projects like general trail maintenance all the way to rockwork or boardwalks through historically wet areas. Our Board of Directors and a small group of community outreach volunteers work tirelessly to ensure our multi-use trails are sustainable and well-maintained. So, thank you for considering a donation to the MRTC. Your support means the world to us and will help us continue our important work for years to come.

In addition to the personal benefits and the satisfaction of contributing to a great cause, joining the Mad River Trail Collective also helps support the local economy. By maintaining the trails in the area, the organization helps to promote outdoor recreation, which in turn benefits local businesses and the community as a whole. So, don't hesitate, become a member of the Mad River Trail Collective today and start enjoying all the benefits of this fantastic organization!